Conference/symposium Papers


1) Sultana R. andpati A.K. (2005). Ten-second interval timers seem to be faster infemales. XVII national Symposium on Chronobiology, October 1-3, 2005. Center ofadvance studies. Department of zoology. Banaras Hindu University. P – 31.

2) Sultana R. andPati A.K. (2006). In search of the best phase reference point forestimation of peak in rest-activity rhythm in human subjects. XVIII nationalSymposium on Chronobiology, November 8 – 10, 2006. Department of zoology.North-eastern Hill University, Shilong. P – 21.

3) Sultana R. andVaidya N (2006). Study of human circadian rhythm and sleep patternusing Actiwatch. Emerging trends & techniques in research and itscommunication. Department of Botany. Govt. Kamla Devi Mahila Mahavidyalaya.Rajnandgaon. P – 53.

4) Sultana R. andPati A.K. (2008). Absence of nighttime dipping and dampening ofcircadian rhythm in blood pressure variables of apparently healthy youngwomen.XX national symposium on chronobiology, December 27-29, 2008. School ofLife Sciences, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur. Pp-43.

5) Sultana R.(2009). Characteristic of blood pressure rhythm and nocturnal dippingpattern in randomly selected apparently healthy young female subjects.  7TH CGyoung scientist congress. February 28th -March 1st,2009. College of Agriculture. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur(C.G.). Pp- 25-26.

6) SultanaR. (2009). Non-dipping is associated with the low percentage ofelevated daytime systolic and diastolic blood pressure in healthy youngfemales. NASI-79th annual session andnational symposium on “science and technology and the young (career,creativity, excitement)”. December 14-16, 2009. University of Kolkata incollaboration with Ramkrishna Mission Institute of Culture. Pp-7.

7) PatiA.K., Kar A., Sultana R., Vaidya N. and Parganiha A.(2009). Long sleepers tend to be non-dippers: is it a paradox? Thethird international congress of applied Chronobiology and Chronomedicine(ICACC). Significance of Chronobiology to the health and well-being of today’ssociety. May 17 – 22, 2009, Akko (Acre), Israel.Pp- 76.

8) Sultana R. andPati A.K. (2010). Comparison of blood pressure obtained during sleepand wakefulness among normotensive subjects. XXI National Symposium onChronobiology. February 2-4, 2010. P.G. department of Zoology, JamshedpurCo-operative college, Jamshedpur Kolhan University, Jharkhand. Pp- 50.

9) Sultana R.(2010). Abnormalnocturnal dipping in blood pressure of healthy human subjects. NASI- 80th annualsession and national symposium on “climate change-research, awareness andbuilding”. December 2-4, 2010. Jaipur National University, Jaipur, Rajesthan.Pp- 62-63.

10) Sultana R.(2011). Wee hours stress makes normotensive non-dippers and risersmore vulnerable to cardiovascular disorders (CVD). 9th ChhattisgarhYoungScientists Congress. February 28 – March 01, 2011. Bastar Vishwavidyalaya(Dharampura) Jagdalpur (Chhattisgarh). Pp - 19

11) Sultana R.and Pati A.K. (2011). Effect of life style factors on BP variabilityinhumans. National conference on advances in biological sciences. November5-7,2011. School of Life Sciences, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur.pp.107 abstract no. 54.

12) Sultana R.(2012). Pitfalls of conventional blood pressure measurement andcurrenttreatment protocol of hypertension in diabetic and hypothyroidpatients.  10th Chhattisgarh Young ScientistsCongress.February 28 – 29, 2012. Sarguja Vishwavidyalaya (Ambikapur) Surguja(C.G.). Pp –37-38.

13)Sultana R. and PatiA.K. (2012).Variability and heritability of nocturnal blood pressuredipping in natives of rural Chhattisgarh, India. A joint Congress of the 27th Conferenceof International Society for Chronobiology and 24th Conferenceof National Society for Chronobiology. October 3-7, 2012. Department ofZoology,Delhi University, Delhi.

14)Sultana R. (2015). Circaseptanvariations in blood pressure in healthy human residing in south eastern India.International seminar on Emerging Trends in information technology and appliedsciences. March 28-30, 2015. School of Information Technology; School of LifeSciences, MATS University, Ripur, C.G.

15)Sultana R. (2016). Studyof Chronotype and sleep deprivation in apparently healthy human population inChhattisgarharea. National Conference on prospects in Life Sciences: ParadigmShift in Teaching and Research in Zoological Sciences and The secondChhattisgarhCongress of the Zoological Society of Chhattisgarh (ZSC). March02-03, 2016.Department of Zoology, Govt. Nagarjuna P.G. College of Science,Raipur, C.G.

16) SultanaR. (2019). Evolutionary Drifts in Human. Multidisciplinary NationalConference on “Impact of emerging science and technology on society;opportunities and challenges”. January 29-30, 2019.Pp-47. Seth Phool ChandAgrawal Smriti Post Graduate College, Nawapara-Rajim, Raipur,Chhattisgarh. 


Conference Paper by Dr. Madhurani Shukla


List of Research Papers Presented in Seminar, Conferences& Symposium

1.     Pesticides: Benefits and Problems associated with use of pesticides. Paper presented (oral) in “National Workshop on   Food Pesticides and Consequent Health Hazards”, at Dr.Radhabai Govt. Naveen Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Raipur,Department of Home Science & Chemistry, 8 Aug’ 2015.

2.    Pesticides: A Threat to mankind, Paper presented (oral) in “National Seminar on Environmental Problems and Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges” at Govt. Rajeev Lochan College Rajim,Distt- Gariaband, Department of Botany, 19-20 January 2016.

3.     Spectrophotometric Determination of trace amount of Paraquat Herbicide in Environmental Samples. Paper presented (oral AO-08) in “35th Annual Conference of the INDIAN COUNCIL OF CHEMISTS” at Haribhai V. Desai College, Pune, Dec. 22-24, 2016.

4.     Impact of Pesticides on Human health. Paperpresented (oral) in “National Conference on Soil quality & Public Health(SQPH)”  at Govt. Digvijay autonomous P.G. College, Rajnandgoan, Department of Chemistry, Jan.17-18, 2017.

5.     Pollution and waste management. Paper presented (oral) in National Seminar on “Advances in Environmental Science& Technology” at Govt. Digvijay autonomous P.G. College, Rajnandgoan,Department of Botany, Jan. 23-24, 2017.

6.     An easy Spectrophotometric method for the Determination of Hydroxylamine with Methyl Red-Iodate System . Paper presented as Poster (PP-46) in “UGC-SAP(DRS-II), National Conference on Advances in Environmental & Chemical Sciences” Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, SOS in Chemistry, March 17-18,2017.

7.   Pollution due to use of Pesticides. Paper presented (oral) in “National Seminar on Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development in Chhattisgarh” at Govt. Kavyopadhyay Hiralal College,Abhanpur, Raipur, Department of Chemistry and Botany, Jan. 16-17, 2018.   

8.     Quantification of Pyrethroid Residue inFood and Biological Samples, Paper presented as Poster in “22nd CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry” Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, SOS in Chemistry, Feb. 2-4, 2018. 

9.    Detection of Methyl Viologen in various Food and Agricultural samples, Paper presented as Poster in “UGC-SAP (DRS-II),2nd National Conference on Advances in Environmental & Chemical Science”Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, SOS in Chemistry, March 22-23,2018. 

10.   Impact of pesticides on Soil and ground  water in vegetable producing areas in Rajim,Dist- Gariaband, C.G., Paper presented as Oral (OP-19)in  Multidisciplinary National Conference IESTS-2019, in Seth  PhoolChand  Agrawal Smriti Post Graduate College,Nawapara- Rajim, January 28-30, 2019.

11.   Toxicants due to contamination of Hydroxylamine, Paper presented as Poster in “56th Annual convention of Chemists 2019 & International  Conference on Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences”, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur,SOS in Chemistry, November 14-16, 2019.

12.   Detection of Methyl Viologen in agricultural Samples (PP-34), Paper presented as Poster in “International Conference on Material for  Environment (ICME-2020)”, Govt.V.Y.T.PG. Autonomous College, Durg (CG), India, January 24-25, 2020.

Attend Seminar/ Workshop

1.     “Population and Environment” National Seminar, held by  Dep. Of Geography,Govt. G. Yoganandam Chhattisgarh College, Raipur, C.G., 15-16 February,2017.

2.  Science and Technology for Harnessing Natural Resources towards Sustainable Development, State level Workshop held at Dr. Radhabai Govt. Navin Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Raipur  C.G., March 10, 2018.

3.  Water Resources & Management, National Seminar held at  Govt. P.D. Commerce and Arts Post Graduate College, Raigarh, C.G., November29, 2019.

4.   Feminism and women Empowerment: Pathway to Gender Equality, National Seminar held at Govt. P.D. Commmerce and Arts Post Graduate College, Raigarh, C.G.,November 22, 2019.